Click buy now to get a special veteran featured in one of our 12 military/ officers projects we will be doing over the next 12 months.

Please note that these projects take time to custom build and design something special. Project can be for any branch of the military or SF or Officer who has or is serving our nation. Any one of these projects may take up to a year from sponsorship. Custom video will be offered if letting veteran know they are on the list. Please have patience and everything will turn out as a work of art and appreciation as it is meant to.
By clicking Donate you are choosing to donate towards our fund of helping veterans and have no direct say over what project it will go into specifically. All donations will be claimed and noted to which project they helped fund as a whole.
If you have a special veteran in mind please choose the Buy Now. Thank you either way for your help in making America salute our veterans and what they have done for this country. God Bless.