Retired Gone Fishing Fan Photo
I absolutely with every ounce of my soul love what I do. It is not my job it is my passion. Make sure you check out my other blog post...

ATTN: Local Pickers
Hubbartwood.com is expanding in a big way. We are looking to fill our showroom with amazing unique beautiful creations and salvaged...

ATTN: Local Artist
Hubbartwood.com is expanding in a big way and we want you to expand with us. We are looking for local talent to help us contribute to...

Limited amount of prints available Order now
These prints will never be made again. Each one will be hand numbered and signed by artist Brianne Hubbart. There are only going to be...

Bench Raffle For Calan Autism Awareness Month Conclusion
Bench Scheduled to be on display in surrounding locations. Read below This bench was maid to aid with help to raise money to get Calan a...
Hubbart Wood On WSMI
For those of you that missed our interview on WSMI 106.1 here you go. Special thanks to WSMI for all their coverage in helping this...

Possible State Record Morell In Irving IL
Possible State Record Morell Mushroom spotted in Irving IL. Locals are saying it is the biggest one they have ever seen this close to...

Tickets for Calan's SDWR Fund bench Carving
CLICK HERE to buy one for $10 Or if you really want to win it and want to improve your odds of doing so. CLICK HERE to buy three for $25

Last peak before April 8th
Last sneak peak of the Indian / Eagle totem carving before our show in Nokomis IL on April 8th. I know it sounds crazy that you should...

Service Dog for Calan
Calan was diagnosed with classic autism at the early age of two years old. Along with having autism he has also been diagnosed with Pica...